Get ready for class!

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Hello everybody,
Tuesday August 31st, is your first class presentation.  Rodrigo's team will explain us about Linguistics.  It is important that you come to class prepare.  Please download the text it is Justice,P.W Relevan Linguistics. in this blog.

See you in class.

Educational linguistics, K. Perera/ Ethics in Educational Linguistics, A. Davies

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

              1.3                                         1.4
Educational Linguistics / Ethics in Educational Linguistics

Linguistics and language learning

Lingusitics and language learningSpolsky,B. (1999). In Spolsky,B. (1999) Concise encyclopedia of educational linguistics.

Word's fastest talker!!

Worsheet 1

Please follow the link and download the file or print it.  You have to sign up first , it's easy.! Don't forget to send your mental map of today's class to

Linguistics an introduction to linguistic theory. Fromkin, V.A (2000)

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

After you read the following article, design a mental map or chart, include the main points according to your criteria. 

Linguistics: The Scientific Study of Human Language