Student's presentations for the rest of the course

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Hello dear students,

These are the remaining topics from which you are to give a class presentation.
  • Home and school language
  • Becoming bilingual,  Grammar acquisition
  • Individual bilingualism
  • Listening in a second language. Pedagogy
  • Dewey
  • Freire
  • Giroux
  • Vigotsky
  • School and classroom
  • Immersion
  • Native speakers
  • Native speaker teachers
  • Non native spearker teacher.
This time the work would be done in pairs (not more)!
You are free to choose your peer and notify me by e-mail on Friday 17th before midnight. In that way I willl be able to assign the corresponding topics.
As presenters, you are request to send me your presentation in advance,  and an additional excercise for the class, worksheet or task.
The rest of the students are to read in prior presentations in order to make valuable contributions and express their opinion about the topic.

3 comentarios:

Rodrigo dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

Comments accepted guys!!

RAANY dijo...

miss hope ur good... where r we gonna find the information?

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